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Removing Replicate artifacts from the Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database

In order to capture DDLs, Qlik Replicate creates various artifacts in the Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL database when the task starts. When the task completes, you may wish to remove these artifacts.

To remove the artifacts, issue the following statements (in the order they appear below), where public is the default schema in which the artifacts were created:

  • drop event trigger attrep_intercept_ddl

    Information noteThe event trigger does not belong to a specific schema.
  • drop function public.attrep_intercept_ddl()
  • drop table public.attrep_ddl_audit
  • drop schema public
  • drop table schema.attrep_wal_heartbeat

    where schema is the Schema for heartbeat artifacts specified in the Advanced tab of the endpoint settings.

Warning note

Dropping a schema should be done with extreme caution, if at all. Never drop an operational schema, especially not public.

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